Something Old, Something New

Something Old, Something New

A lot of you who have met me in the last few years don’t know this, but my first creative love is writing.

Many of my friends and family have been waiting on a book from me forever. I’ve never stopped writing but as time has passed I realized that maybe the “traditional” way of becoming an author might not be what’s best for me.

The more I thought about it, the less I felt compelled to make up a story or even to rehash some fictionalized version of my life to protect whom ever might not want to be portrayed in a less than positive light.
One of my favorite quotes on writing is “if they didn’t want to be written about, maybe they should have behaved better.” Or something like that.
I said all that to announce I’m going back to blogging.
For now, the very loose outline of my blog is the daily (or semi-daily) chronicles of reinventing, or better yet, REIMAGINING AND REDEFINING yourself (myself) as an almost 50 year old black and unmarried woman with kids, a business and trying to make it all look like a life.
What life is like raising kids and building my own community and how that looks for me and other women who may be experiencing some of the same feelings I have.
Momming while discovering yourself and being a creative and starting and running a business SUCCESSFULLY isn’t too much to tackle said no single mother entrepreneur ever.
Did I just say the same thing 3 times?
Of course I did... I am a mom and a creativity coach. LOL
Whatever I said and however it comes out, I know that I have the technical ability, the mental bandwidth and the social presence to do this (I think 🤔) so I’m just going to dive right in.
Just go with this.
Trust me.
It's going to be real.
And you know it will be hilarious at times.
And I’ll be as honest as I can be.
I really hope you guys come along with me on this extension of my journey.
Until tomorrow,
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1 comment

That’s awesome

Tammy Bush-Hamilton

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